Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We won the Biggest Loser Challenge...Again...

Early morning of May 9, 2011, they announced the winner for the challenge and i saved the newsletter that announced it.

then, ophie compiled our last years picture and here it is..

In total, i lost 17 lbs and being on a challenged made me realized that anything is possible,if you put your mind on it, plus you have the support of all your friends and family.

I felt proud when my mom, saw an old friend of mine, and told her about me winning this challenge and telling her to read how i did it on the net. I didn't even realized that my mom was proud and was happy for me until she told me this story. 

So... more than the weight i lost, as my reward, its the recognition from the efforts that really counts. And the assurance, that anything is possible.

To my Team Mission Slimpossible mates, CONGRATULATIONS!!! and i hope we can still make it next year for the 3-peat!!!

Now...what am i gonna do with my 2000 prize? hmmmmmmm...

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