If my memory serves me right...i've have worked with CIBI from June 2004 to March 2006...
I started with CIBI as a programmer, then promoted to Sr. Programmer then after 3 years, i head the department. CIBI has paved way for my career....
But, i am most greatful is for the 3 years that i have enjoyed working with such beautiful and real people... Yes, there has been office politics, but who's company says they dont.
And then, all i remember are the parties and the good times i shared with these people who have been and still are my friends....
In the IT department alone, i have been good friends with my boss and i sincerly miss that feeling. It is very rare that bosses and subordinates works well. In and out of the office. Maybe because we're both open minded and is sensitive to the feelings of others...We also share the same heart...heart of a woman... To sir wills, thank you for the good years shared during CIBI days... and looking forward to spending time again with you and the guys...
To all the other friends that i have shared my CIBI times with, i wish you all well..Hoping to meet you guys again in the future....
These are for you...
MIS planning 2005
MIS at Laiya Coco Grove
CIBI Birthday celebrations
MIS Holloween Costume
MIS First blood celebration
MIS in Baguio
Sir Wills and Maan
CIBI Management Planning
Gimmick nights
CIBI Marketing, Sales with MIS in UPLB training
MIS gimik in onen of baguio bars
Kulitan sa baguio
MIS In Mines view, Baguio
MIS guys
MIS guys at Eub's House
The rest of the pictures can be found at my other blogs: choclit.multiply.com and facebook
u dont have to know me to feel, just read between the lines..
if only i could describe what's on my mind..
if only i could share what i'm feeling..
if only...
i thought i could control things, but they got out of hand..
i thought i could be enough, but i thought wrong..
i was not enough..
i have craved for more..more than this..
i believe i deserve more..more than this..
i've been good, i've been fair to all..
i have not done wrong to anyone.. but why is it being done to me..
Motherhood is a twenty-four-hour job. From early morning feedings to picking up the children’s toys in the late evening, a mom’s to-do list doesn’t seem to end. While being a mother is richly rewarding, it is also very tiring. Motherhood is difficult. With the world revolving around a family’s needs, it can become easy for a mother to de-prioritize her own. The result is a happy family and one noble but worn-out woman.
Being a mother doesn’t mean you have to be a martyr. Here are seven ways to avoid feeling weighed down by your tasks.
Nap when the baby naps. You might be thinking that the children’s naptime is prime time for you to get chores done. No kids running around will make decluttering a room easier, right? When they wake up though, they’ll probably make a mess again. Kids recharge their batteries when they nap – take a cue from them. They’re not the only ones who need a boost! You’ll feel renewed even after only thirty minutes of shut-eye. If you really can’t help completing errands while the kids are asleep, try to share at least one of their naptimes. Some kids nap in the morning and in the afternoon – choose one nap schedule for you just for your much-needed reboot.
Make an effort to look good, even when you’re just at home. Walking around the house in your pajamas and scruffy ponytail is comfortable. When the mommy blues hit you though, you’ll feel as grungy as you look. Ditch the jammies and wear something smart and neat. Blow-dry your hair after your morning shower for a good hair day. Dab a little lipstick on even if you’re not leaving the house. If you look good, you’ll feel good.
Call a friend. Even the most organized mother will have her off days. Grab the phone, dial a friend and rant away. Having the support of a friend is critical in maintaining your sanity.
Get out of the house. Cabin fever can set in on a mother too. You need to step out of those four walls at least once a day. Take the kids on a morning walk around the neighborhood. The warmth of the sun and the crisp morning air will do wonders in rejuvenating your spirit. If you prefer solitude and don’t want to wander too far, stand outside your house in the late evening and just stare at the starlit sky. The quiet of your surroundings and the evening’s breeze will help restore some of that lost energy.
Ask for help. Every mom, no matter how super she aims to be, will have that moment when she’s completely worn-out. It’s not a sign of weakness if you have to ask your sister or neighbor to watch the kids for awhile. While the kids are with them, go and do your thing! Take that long shower you’ve been dreaming about. Eat sitting down.
Do not skip a meal. If you think that you’re saving time for other tasks by not eating during mealtimes, think again. Nourish yourself the way you nourish your family. This is not only good for your health, sitting down and sharing a meal with the family can help relax you. That to-do list can wait during mealtimes.
Celebrate yourself. You’re a multifaceted woman. Never forget that. Don’t let motherhood stop you from pursuing your passions and indulging in your hobbies. The key is always balance, but even just a few minutes a day could suffice. Get lost in a good book. Give yourself a pedicure. Write poetry. Exercise. Don’t let a day pass by without doing something you love.
A tired Mom can make for a grumpy Mom. Before you turn into Momzilla, take action! While you may place your family’s needs always before your own, don’t forget to still fulfill your needs. A happy mother makes for a happy household after all.
Recently, i read a blog regarding a similar situation… i would not want to go into details, since this will encalcate different queries.. and its not my business to disclose.
I also read this a thousand times in forums regarding relationships and married life. This also has been the most topic among friends and family.
I’ve also talked to many people, who shared their own take on this problem. But, for me, the best answer, rather, solution that i’ve received was this… This came from a chat-mate, single guy, around 30ish. I dont know if he speaks from experience or just smart.
Read on..
Infidelity is a common situation…
nobody is immune here and lets not judge anybody if it will happen…
If it doesn’t happen…then GREAT!
But if it happens……it should be managed carefully..
People who fall into infidelity should follow a CODE.
First! A code of SILENCE…It includes plausible deniability. Both partners should take extra efforts to conceal, deny and obfuscate.
Second! Both sides should have a clear picture of their first PRIORITIES in life and do all to meet these priorities….evertyhing else is… a far secondary.
Third! Both partners should be AWARE and have a clear reason why they engage in infidelity and why through infidelity satisfies a specific need or a gap the marriage they are coming from. Once this need is fulfilled, then go back to normal life.
Simple but true. These answers the undying question of how to handle situation on infidelity.
Never there are married couple who’s relationship is 100% smooth. Mine is not. But im destined to hold on to it. There will be bumps along the way, whether you like it or not. But ending the marriage is not always the solution. Hold on to it. As you have promised during your wedding day.
This is just a phase in your married life where your bond is being tested. This will eventually strengthen your marriage bond. You’ll be proud someday when your 50ish and still holding your partner’s hand while playing with your grand children.